Thursday, June 19, 2014

Woods Runner by Gary Paulsen

        Woods Runner is a historical fiction book about main character Samuel who's parents were suddenly captured and held prisoner in New York. Throughout the book, follow Sam's quest to save his parents as he uses his highly skilled knowledge to maneuver his way through the forrest of Pennsylvania. Watch as Sam meets allies on the way as they wish to help his journey to save his parents to start a new life. Listen along with Sam's thoughts and feelings about his hatred for the people who captured his family or his determination to find them and keep them safe. Sam becomes family with a little girl Annie whos family was killed by war soldiers and she travels with him to New York. Sam also met another man named Abner Daniel who is great help. He agrees to take Sam and Annie on his carriage and cross a river to New York. There's many obstacles for Samuel and his allies to dodge from, but in the end, the reward seemed to be all worth it.

         Overall, I really enjoyed Woods Runner. It was really suspenseful, it was easy to visualize, and there was a lot of good word choice. It was suspenseful because whenever Sam ran into trouble with enemy soldiers, I was always eager to figure out how he was able to get himself out of trouble. It was easy to visualize because the way the author explained the setting and detailed certain characteristics I could use my imagination to easily to see what the setting would look like. I also found a lot of good vocabulary that I could use in real life and I feel like I got smarter by knowing these words! Woods Runner is an ecstatic book and I encourage you to read it!
        By: Bryce R Pds 4-6

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