Thursday, June 19, 2014

Unwind by Neal Shusterman

       I am doing a blog on a book called Unwind, a book that I really enjoyed. It is a science fiction book and there are three point of views from the rebellious Conner, smart and calculated Risa, and Lev. The story takes place after a big war that was soon ended but left a lot of feral teens out of a home. So the government decided to make them use full and made something called Unwinding in which unwanted teenagers between eighteen and thirteen, can be sent away to be taken apart for other people who need the parts whether it be an arm, a pair of eyes, and even a beating heart. One of our main characters Conner has always been a trouble maker and got into a lot of fights at school, but when he finds out early of the unwind order his parents signed, he decides to run away like Risa and Lev. Risa was a ward and when she failed at preforming well at a concert on the piano the caretakers send her away because she is not use full. Lev however is the perfect boy, prays everyday and gets good grades, but is sadly in a religion that believes unwinding is the next ascension of life and decides to be a tithe which will willingly sacrifice his parts. What will happen to them when running from their so called "fate"and who will they run into on the way?

               I like this book allot for many reasons, With the changing perspective it is always interesting to see what they think and fell during some events. Another reason I enjoy this book is because it is always keeping you at the edge of your seat. There is not one dull moment but you want to keep reading more and more. The topic is very interesting too on the story. In this story people say that running away from unwinding is hopeless, but Conner, Risa and Lev continue to fight on for freedom. The last reason why I love this book is that it is always at a high tension throughout the story, not giving you a break from the forever lasting suspense. I hope you will read unwind too and enjoy it as much as I have

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