Wednesday, June 18, 2014

When the Wind Blows by James Patterson-Shannon

    It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a.... child with wings? It's When the Wind Blows by James Patterson! Frannie O'Neill is an ordinary widow living in the wilderness of Colorado, working as a vet. However, something, or should I say someone, turns her ordinary life into an extraordinary one. Max, a child born and raised under surveillance and testing of countless scientists because her herself is a scientific breakthrough. This otherwise average looking child is twice as strong as the average grown man, has the respiratory system of a bird, and of most importance has wings. However, the way that Max and her other avian/human friends are treated horridly in this lab that they call "school", so Max and her brother Matthew decide to make a run for it. Meanwhile in the exposition, FBI agent, Thomas Brennan poses as a hunter in Colorado named Kit Harrison, renting Frannie O'Neill's cabin. His mission is to figure out how a series of deaths of doctors in Colorado is connected, including Frannie's deceased husband. In the rising action, Kit and Frannie find Max in the woods, and eventually grow closer to her. The climax occurs when Max takes Kit and Frannie back to the now empty "School" where all sorts of horrid secrets about the labs being conducted there are uncovered. Four of these secrets are Icarus, Wendy, Peter, and Oz; the four other winged children in cages without food or water, abandoned and left to die. from that point on, Frannie and Kit are furious and fighting for the justice of the horrors these children have been through.
    This book is great because every chapter seems to uncover a new hidden secret or a new shocking event. All throughout it the author makes you feel all sorts of emotions, from heartwarming, to saddening, to mad, to pure adventurous. The suspense never ends and keeps you turning page after page, chapter after chapter. So, pick up When the Wind Blows today! Before you know it you'll be flying through it!
                                                                                                                      Shannnon G.
                                                                                                                      Spicer   1/2

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