Thursday, June 19, 2014

Boot Camp by Todd Strasser

In the middle of the night Garrett is taken from his home to Harmony Lake, a boot camp for troubled teens.  Garret was making love with his teacher and was worned to stop many times by his parents and they just got feed up!  Garett didnt understand what he was doing wrong. Maybe some kids deserve to be sent there, but Garrett knows he doesn't. Subjected to physical and and phsycalical abuse, he tries to fight back, but the battle is going to be a challenge. He won't be allowed to go home until he's admitted his "mistakes" and transformed to a Harmony Lake's standards of behavior. And there's no way to fake it since their watched 24-7 and taks years for some one to get out.  Beaten, humiliated, and stripped of his pride. Then he hears whispers of an escape plan. It's incredibly risky if he's caught, the consequences will be unthinkable but it may be his only way out.  This plan is proplly the worst plan in history of plans but you have todo what you got to do.  You will absultly love this realistic fiction book, it will keep you on the edege of your seat.

I liked everything about this book its perfect, everyone says no one is perfect but this book is.  This book is realistic fiction witch means you can realate to it.  Even through you propaley never been to a boot camp but the words and thoughts is just like a normal 7th grader like us.  While enjoying the book, Todd Strasser through's in some vocabuly so it bust up your mind.  Also the setting is like real life situation witch even makes the book more exciting to read.   The aurthors style of writting is also great because he flips back and forth to characters point of veiw.  Go get the book now its fantastic.

Ryan p
Spicer Pd 8-9

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