Monday, May 15, 2017

Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelson

Image result for touching spirit bear

     Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelson is a novel about a boy named Cole being sent off to a remote island in Alaska due to his anger and aggression issues.  There he encounters a huge Spirit Bear, the same one that people have told him is a very noble and spiritual being. Of course he doesn't listen to anyone, and ends up getting attacked and left bleeding and in pain. He is taken from the island and is threatened with jail. Grateful for the second chance, he goes back to the island with an open mind. Cole is forced to survive on his own and he has plenty of time to think. He must realize within himself and rediscover himself.

     I really liked this book about a stubborn boy who doesn't want to follow the rules. Throughout the whole novel, you follow Cole and together you discover his true character. This book is great for both boys and girls, and you will want to know what happens up to the very last page.

Nicki Garofalo #40BookChallenge

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