Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon

Image result for everything everything book

     In Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon, Maddie suffers from a rare and famous disease called SCID; where she’s not allowed to leave her house. The only people she socializes with are her mother and her nurse, Carla. Her days are a stodgy repetition of virtual school and conversations about books with Carla. 
However, everything changes when she sees her new neighbor, Olly, for the first time. All of a sudden, she finds herself talking to him through IM, emails and quirky little notes written on their windows with marker. Maddie opens up to him about feelings that she's never able been able to talk about because she doesn't really socialize with people her age. In fact, Olly may spark an emotion within her; love. 
     Maddie is now officially one of my favorite characters in YA literature. Her story in absolutely amazing not because of her unfortunate circumstance, but because we can all relate to her. Maddie's perspective on love and relationships is very similar to many teenage girls. I also really enjoyed Olly's character throughout the story as we got to know more about him through his endless conversations with Maddie.
Nicki Garofalo #40BookChallenge

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