Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Famous Last Words by Katie Alender

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      Famous Last Words by Katie Alender is a perfect teenage novel about a girl, Willa, moving from her old life into a new fabulous one in California with a new famous director of a stepfather. Willa is stunned by her beautiful new mansion that used to be home to an old Hollywood actress. Much too soon, strange things start happening in that house that can only be described as "paranormal". Next thing you know, a crazy "Hollywood Killer" is on the loose and going after young actresses. Willa wants answers. About her new haunted house, and who the killer could be. Could it be her new "too cool for anyone" best friend? Or maybe the shut off and mysterious guy in her biology class. To get thrown into this page-turning thriller, go read Famous Last Words.

     I immediately fell in love with this book as soon as I picked it up. This novel has you on the edge of your seat and you will refuse to put it down. Your craning to find out information about each character that could be a suspect. Willa is also a teenage girl trying to find herself in a place where she doesn't fit in, and you'll easily get attached to her as the story plays out. I promise you, you will not see the ending coming. Prepare for long nights staying up to find out what happens next. 

Nicki Garofalo #40BookChallenge

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