Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Stolen by Lucy Christopher

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     Stolen by Lucy Christopher is a compelling and dark abduction novel told from the point of view of a victim to her captor. Gemma was at the airport with her parents, and gets side tracked by a handsome stranger sitting at a coffee shop. A drugged latte and careless sweet talk later, Gemma finds herself miles and miles away from home in the middle of nowhere. Absolutely nowhere. Stuck in this crazy situation, Gemma must learn about her captor Ty, and how on Earth can she escape. He wants her forever, she just wants to go home. He knows she isn't happy with her old life, she knows he had a troubled life. He wants her to love him, she just might.

     This book is nothing like I've ever read before, and I'm not surprised it has an award. I could not put this book down. The beautifully thought out contrast of Gemma's resilience and Ty's slightly deranged yet sane personality blends perfectly in a novel that proves that people aren't what they seem.

Nicki Garofalo #40BookChallenge

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