Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Canned And Crushed

     Canned And Crushed is a book written by Bibi Belford. The book is about a boy named Sandro Zapote. When Sandro learns that his little sister need heart surgery, he tries to help his parents raise money. With his mother traveling to Mexico to get the operation and his dad being in the U.S illegally, Sandro has to figure out how to raise money. Then an idea hits him, he'll can collect. Save the environment. Save his sister. Buy a new bike. The last thought hits him later on. There is one problem. How can he raise enough money in time?
     This book is funny and want to make you keep turning the page. I would give it a 5/5. The only problem is that the book is too short. I wish that everyone would take this book out of the Mount Laurel Library. Mrs. Gallagher should definitely get this for our school library. This is a classic and I want to see how you think about it.

By: Tharun Iyer


Image result for canned and crushed

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