Monday, May 15, 2017

Kokopelli's Flute

     Tepary Jones had always felt it. Fascinated by the magic of the abcient cliff dwelling called Picture house. He knew it was the perfect place to veiw his first total eclipse of the moon. Perhaps it would help him understand the secrets of the Ancient Ones.
    In the dark silence, Tep and his dog Dusty waited for the lunar show. What Tep witnessed, to his horror, were robbers digging into the red sand stone. It was destroying the pictures and they took  the priceless treasures. Left behind in their haste was a small polished bone flute. Something told Tep he shouldn't put it to his lips. He just couldn't resist, and then the magic came. Will he find out what's going on and stop the robbers, or fail.

By: William Green


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