Monday, May 15, 2017

Matched by Ally Condie

Image result for matched ally condie

     Matched by Ally Condie is a dystopian novel about a society where every teenager is matched when they reach a certain age. Cassie is used to being certain of everything. Like her life-long friend Xander, being her match. Cassia knows with complete certainty that he is the one…until she sees someone else's face flash for a second before the screen fades to black. She doesn't even know the boy on the screen. Now Cassia is faced with impossible an impossible choice and a new uncertainty: Xander and Ky, between the only life she’s known and a new life with a person who makes her question everything she's ever known.

     If you like a cliche page turner, this book is for you. I know that this book has a very split opinion about it, and I am one of those people that happened to enjoy it. Yes, this book is guided towards girls due to the lovey-dovey love triangle, but the dystopian plot and battle between what you are meant to do, and what your heart wants to do is a very attracting concept. I would recommend everyone to pick this up and try it out and see if you like it. 

Nicki Garofalo #40BookChallenge

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