Saturday, December 3, 2016

Famous Last Words

          Famous Last Words, by Katie Alender is a mystery about a Hollywood serial killer. In this book, the main character, Willa, is moving to Hollywood. Her mom is dating a famous and rich director, after the death of Willa's father, and they are going to live with her. Willa's mom thinks coming to Hollywood will be a new beginning for them, but she doesn't realize the things in store for them. Wills has to deal with the stress of going to a new school, losing her dad, and on top of that, she's seeing ghosts and mysterious things keep happening to her. The story gets even stranger when a Hollywood serial killer pops up and starts killing girls in the set of famous deaths on screen. One time, Willa is almost drowned in her swimming pool from a ghostly hand. But who can she confide in...the cute boy working for her dad, Reed? Not her mom or Marnie, her untrustworthy friend. Perhaps Wyatt, the really smart boy, who is weirdly obsessed with the killer. Either way, Willa can't decide if she's going crazy, or if the ghost is trying to send her messages. Could the ghost somehow relate to the scary murders? Either way, Willa has to figure what's happening, fast, before it's too late....
          I really liked this book. It was an easy read, but kept me hooked. It had brilliant twists and turn, and linked everything together. I loved the suspense, and the idea was great, a mix of romance, murder, and ghosts. The deaths of the girls made the whole thing so creepy, and to make them die in famous murder movie scenes? It was really a good idea that added to the creepy serial killer vibe. I really flew through these pages, and while I doubt that it will be a read that is challenging, it was fun. The characters are great, and I really felt for Willa. I like the book a lot and would highly recommend it to anyone who likes mystery, thrillers, murder, ghosts, or anyone who doesn't!

Areeba Wani

Friday, November 25, 2016


Think this is Normal Rain?
That is NOT the truth.
 Watch out, one splip! And your out.

Image result for h20 virginia bergin
           Every minute, Every hour, Every second, Everyday.... It's non-stop. Ruby Morris has some..... Unfortunate rain to deal with. DO NOT touch it. Or else...well you don't wanna know.  Nothing, but pouring down poisoned rain.  Is anyone I know actually alive? In this world, this question is the only thing that will be on your mind everyday, every hour, every minute, every everything. 

Review: ★★★★.     I would rate this book a good 4.5 stars. The Reason for this is because the emotion in this is very deep. This book continues on with Storm, the sequel, and is still filled with emotion. I don't think a full five stars is the best choice, only because I think there should be a better epilogue. One that shows the lives of the characters years after, or even just right at the end of the book. But otherwise another reason why it is good is because it really shows how the real world would be if there were an apocalypse and pretty much says how much you should really be prepared in case of emergencies or else you'll regret it. Even a little un expected romance is in it.... Check it out to see what you REALLY need to be prepared for.

H2O: Book  By Virginia Bergin.


Monday, November 21, 2016

A year in the life of a complete and total Genius by Stacey Matson

          This is a story about Arthur Bean a determined boy who is going to become a famous author. What he doesn't realize is that this means being in a play and tutoring his bully. This book will take you on a wild adventure that will make you question your dreams and want to achieve them just like Arthur. 
         I think this book was great. It is the first story I've ever read that has no text. Instead it explains the story through letters,emails, and announcements. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking to read something unique and different.

Emily List #40bookchallenge

A Child Called It

        A Child Called It is a nonfiction book about David Pelezer. David Pelezer gets abused frequently at home by his mother. As she abuses him more and more, his brothers start being mean and his father starts standing up for David less and less. It is a sad story about how David basically survives his mother's abuse. Thankfully, there is a happy ending.
       I thought this was a really good book. There were parts that I would almost start crying because you feel like you are going through this powerful journey with David. Usually I do not like biographies, but this was a really good one.

Maya Lanzisera

The Son of Neptune

As the biggest secret of Camp Half-Blood's history is revealed, Percy realizes he has no memory of anything,since somebody absconded his memory but he does remember  the name Annabeth. As he struggles to survive, fragments of his memory begin to come back to him. Find out what happens in this thrilling sequel.

Overall, the book was really good and that secret is that gets revealed is so unexpected. The really good thing about this book is that they have an index for all the mythological terms you may not know.

Saumit Bose

Fahrenheit 451

     In the dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, main character Guy Montag is a firefighter. However, in this society, being a firefighter doesn't mean you stop fires; in this society you start them. Montag's job is to burn books and the house they were found in. However, this changes once he meets soon to be 17 year old Clarisse. However, everything gets crazy when he finds his wife unconscious on the bedroom floor. The next day at work he has a small run in with something called a hound and he burns down a lady and her house. What happens to Montag next? Read the book to find out.
     Overall, the book was okay. The plot is really good. Unfortunately, I can't tell you much about it as that would spoil some major events and turning points. The only turn away is it is an older book, hence some language used is more complex, and therefore more difficult to understand. Aside from that, it is a good read if you want a good dystopian book to sit down with.

Aidan Greenberg

The Lost Hero

For Rick Riordan and Percy Jackson fans, The Lost Hero is the beginning of a new series that is sure to grab your attention. With new characters such as Jason, Leo, Piper, as well as possibly the biggest guarded secret in Camp-Half Blood's history be ready to be amazed. Be sure to get The Lost Hero at the library.

The book is really impressive and I would only recommend it to people who read the first series since most of the book wouldn´t make too much sense.

Saumit Bose

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

                Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a classic tale written by Lewis Carol. This book is about a girl named Alice, who finds her book incredible dull, and chases after a hare, suddenly finding herself in a strange world where nothing is as it seems. Alice begins her journey trying to find a beautiful garden that she saw through a door in Wonderland. As she wanders around Wonderland, meeting the most fantastic and nonsensical characters, Alice has many adventures. She encounters many curious creatures, like a rabbit in a waistcoat, a crying child that turns into a pig, a smoking caterpillar, a Mock Turtle, the Cheshire Cat, and of course, the infamous Queen of Hearts.
              This book is amazing! It is one of my favorites, for its lively characters, and unpredictable storyline. Many people might be intimidated by this book, because they think they won't be able to understand the old English. This is not true at all, and even if it was it's worth it in the end. This book is blissful and happy, all of the strange characters so curious and imaginative. I love the way that Alice talks with the characters. There is so much more about this than meets the eye, the words so eloquently written, each page a new mystery, Lewis Carol's prose so graceful and beautiful. Everything in this book has a deeper meaning. The movie adaptation is fantastic, but even that cannot capture the beauty of such nonsense. It is like being in a time capsule, remembering yourself as a child, where everything could be something else, and a reminder that that child is still there and forever will be in our hearts. I highly recommend this book, and guarantee that it will always be cherished from the day you open its pages for the first time.

Areeba Wani

Sunday, November 13, 2016


     The book Uglies by Scott Westerfeld is a science fiction novel about a dystopian society whose goal is to make everyone equal. The way they do this is when you turn sixteen, you get a surgery that turns you into what the society calls a "pretty". This book follows main character Tally and her journey to become a pretty. After her best friend Paris becomes a pretty, Tally is more or less alone. She ends up sneaking from her dorm all the way into a different town, called New Pretty Town. While she is their, she finds Paris, but ends up getting into a lot of trouble, which leads to her meeting a new friend named Shay. Shay soon teaches Tally how to ride a hoverboard, and then tells her about a place called "Smoke". Smoke is a town where uglies, like Tally, can escape to if they don't want to be a pretty. Later that summer, Shay escapes to Smoke, leaving Tally behind. Tally ends up being told by the government to go after Shay, not for the purpose of finding her, but rather finding Smoke, which the government has been searching for for a while. Tally, after a long and dangerous journey, finds Smoke. However, the question remains, will she betray Shay and everyone in Smoke by giving up its location, or will she stay there and adapt to their less modern way of life?
     Overall, the book was okay. The book is split up into three main parts; Part I, Part II, and Part III. Part I is about Tally and her journey to trying to become pretty and her life back in Uglyville. Part II is about Smoke and the journey there. Talking about Part III would spoil the book, but it has to do more with pretties. In my opinion, Part I was not good. The author is an okay writer, but I felt that too much attention was spent on Tally wanting to become pretty and her wanting to see Paris. However, once Shay and the Smoke is introduced, the book gets better. It does a good job when making believable characters, even though the society seems far-fetched. There is one other thing about it that wasn't great, though. It was on the heftier side. At 406 pages, while it isn't huge, it isn't what one would call a light read. In conclusion, if you want a lengthy book with a dystopian society that follows a female protagonist on her journey to decide what her future holds and what the government hides, this is your book.

Aidan Greenberg

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Image result for ungifted by gordon korman
     Ungifted by Gordon Korman is a realistic fiction novel about Donovan Curtis. In a nutshell, this story is the aftermath of what happens when Donovan breaks a statue and destroys the school's gymnasium. After that happened, he is mistakenly sent to the district's gifted school. He is then, to his luck, put on the robotics team. At this point, any normal underachiever would have just left the academy, but Donovan can't, as on top of everything, the superintendent of schools is still looking for him. Not to mention his older sister is pregnant. This is the life of Donovan Curtis.
     Overall this book was decent, but it did have its flaws. To start, the book had some light humor, which is always a good. Also, aside from it being a simple plot, it did have its pluses. For example, there was some character development, as you would expect when a kid like Donovan Curtis is mixed with the stereotypical "nerds." However, like I said, the book did have its flaws. Personally, I found it very easy; although that is arguably a good thing if you want a break from a difficult book/series. Overall, I would recommend this book to someone if they want a light read.

Aidan Greenberg


Monday, October 10, 2016

Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children

Image result for miss peregrine book   
     The book that I read is called Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs. This book follows main character Jacob, a sixteen-year-old who has what one might call a peculiar life. After a family tragedy, in order for Jacob to find closure, he goes to an island off the coast of Wales. While there, he finds a house that his grandfather told him stories about. It is seemingly destroyed. However, the kids who used to live there aren't your average kids, and not just because it is difficult growing up during the second world war. However, the house isn't the only strange thing that Jacob finds on the island. He will soon learn that maybe his grandfather wasn't as crazy as Jacob thought.
     Overall I thought the book was both detailed in plot and character development. Unfortunately, I can't talk much about the plot because it would spoil too much. However, I will say that it has its fair share of mystery and action. In my opinion, the characters seemed, for the most part, well developed, as well as changing and growing throughout the story. For example, in the beginning, Jacob is trying to get fired from his job, as he hates it. Then, as the story progresses, he sees something in the woods behind his grandfather's house that causes him to need therapy. After all of this, once he is on the island, he finally starts to show a caring side to some other characters. However, the thing I thought was the most intriguing was how the author, Ransom Riggs, came up with the story: he used old snapshots to piece together the story.
-Aidan Greenberg


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Last Shot By AJ Celona

          The book that I decided to write about is Last Shot, written by John Feinstein. The genre of this book is realistic fiction because the events that occur in the book can happen in real life. The main characters in 
Last Shot are Susan and Stevie. Stevie is a nice, kind, and persistent thirteen year old boy. Susan is a tall, respectful, brave thirteen year old girl. The main setting of the book is "The Dome" where all the final four games take place. Susan and Stevie are at the final four because they won a writing contest, Stevie came in first place in the contest and Susan came in second. Because they won they got VIP passes so they don't get stopped by security and they get to write articles about the final four games! They also get to meet players and go to conferences to listen to what players and coaches have to say about the game they played, then they write articles about it that go in the newspaper.
           I like this book very much because of the mystery aspect and the sports aspect. My thoughts on the book Last Shot is that the book has surprises every page of the book, it just makes it interesting because there is something new to think about every flip of the page! I also like this book because in the beginning of the book it mentioned another sports author that i have read before, Mike Lupica. I can prove that I liked this book because I wouldn't have read it if I didn't like it. This is concludes my blog writing about the book Last Shot.      
                    By: AJ Celona
                          Pds: 8-9

Better Off Friends by Elizabeth Eulberg

     Have you ever been in love with your best friend? Then Better Off Friends, written by Elizabeth Eulberg, is the book for you! Better Off Friends is a realistic fiction story, because the events that occur can happen in real life. The book takes place in Wisconsin, which is where Levi has just moved to. On his first day at his new school, Macallan is asked to be the eleven year old boy’s tour guide and to show him around the building. They turn out to be polar opposites! Levi sits with Macallan and her friends at lunch. Him and Macallan chat the whole entire time! Later that day, Macallan’s Uncle Adam casually mentions that Wednesdays are usually busy workdays from him, Mrs. Rodgers tells him that Macallan can stay at her house on Wednesday afternoons. After hundreds of afternoons spent with one and other, Macallan and Levi instantly become best friends. As the book progresses, people start to mistaken them as a couple. Levi begins to become popular in school, catching the attention of many girls other than his best friend. Is Macallan's jealousy normal or does her unusual feelings mean something? Will Macallan and Levi's friendship be put to the test when they actually begin to develop feelings for one and other? Most importantly, are they better off friends or lovers? Check Better Off Friends by Elizabeth Eulberg out from the school library to find out!
     I like the book Better Off Friends because it has relatable characters, is very well written, and includes a lot of humor. The two main characters, Macallan and Levi, are both extremely relatable and easy to connect to. Levi loves to joke around and has a playful personality like mine. Macallan is caring and protective of her family, which I can relate to. Also, kids and adults can all connect to the romantic feelings that Macallan and Levi experience throughout this book. Better Off Friends is also very well written. I was easily able to understand the dialogue, descriptive words, and point of view. I was not at all confused while reading this story. Lastly, there is so much humor in this story! Macallan and Levi humorously joke around with each other through dialogue. Since the book switches back and forth between their point of views, there is also humor included in both sides of the stories told. Better Off Friends keeps me on the edge of my seat as I flip from one page to the next! If you're having a bad day, this book is sure to make you crack up laughing. You would not be better off without reading the book Better Off Friends!

Ava C.
Spicer - Periods 8/9

The Running Dream by Wendelin Van Draanen

One book that I read this year was, The Running Dream by Wendelin Van Draanen. This realistic fiction book is about a girl named Jessica. After an accident on Jessica's trip to her track competition, her entire life changed. Jessica lost her leg and thought her life was over. She was supported by friends, family, and doctors that helped her get through the tough times. Jessica is a runner. Because her whole life is based on running, losing her life makes it clear to Jessica that her life is ruined. Jessica's school works on raising the money to get her a new leg and they believe in her and that she can run again. All that's left to do now is help Jessica believe in herself. The rest of the book will show if Jessica ever learns to believe in herself and how she helps another person accomplish something too.

One reason that I recommend this book is because it's a book that either gender could read. I know this because it is told from a girl's perspective but it's a sporty, competitive book. Also, the book shows how you can follow your dreams if you believe you can. Lastly, it shows even through struggles, you can achieve life goals. 

Holes by Louis Sachar

The book I have chosen to write my blog about is called Holes written by Louis Sachar.The genre of Holes is Realistic Fiction. It is about a boy named Stanley who is sent to a camp that is in the middle of knowhere, but surrounded by a bunch of sand. There is a mean lady named Madame Zeroni who is the boss of the camp.  She makes the kids dig holes. After a few days of being at the camp Stanley makes a friend named Hector who is younger than him. Then soon after, Hector runs away! He ran off to escape the torture of the camp. Stanley being the shy and silent type, felt to afraid to go after him. But feeling guilty about Hector, Stanley snuck off. From there his adventure starts on how he will find Hector while also uncovering the mysteries of the camp.

I highly recommend the book Holes by Louis Sachar because it sends out a positive message, has an amazing storyline, and even has a bit of mystery. Immediately when I began reading Holes I was hooked into the story! It's storyline always made sense, and still was entertaining at the same time. There is also a past behind why Madame Zeroni makes the kids dig holes, that's where the mystery comes into play. I hope you would like to read Holes now, so you can experience the fun I had while reading this book!
-Ammar C
Ms.Spicer 8/9

Gym candy

Cover image


 The book I am doing my blog on is Gym Candy by Carl Deuker. The genre of this book is realistic fiction.I know that because all of the actions and settings in this book are relatable and believable to a real life situation. There is also no textual or visual evidence of this book being a true story.  The book Gym Candy is about a boy named Mick Johnson, son of former NFL player Mike Johnson. Mick is an amazing athlete and is 100% dedicated to the sport of football. But is also pushed by his father,( who is extremely competitive, especially in football). This begins to lead to stress and bad emotional habits for mick which leads to drugs, smoking, and steroids.
                         Me personally i love this book. It includes details, visualizations, and super good descriptions.This book also lets me know how the character feels and lets me know 100% about the emotions of the character. Those assets help me know and understand what is going on in the book. If you don't like tough scenes , rough incedients, and injuries of any type, then you will not like this book. Otherwise this is an amazing book


The Body In The Woods by April Henry.

Cover image The book I have chosen for my blog is The Body In The Woods by April Henry. This book is part of a series but this particular book is the first! The book's genre is realistic fiction because there is realistic events that happen throughout the book. The book starts with the three main characters that get put in the same group for the Portland Search and Rescue team. Alexis is an only child and lives with her mom. When she is not in school or with the search and rescue team she is trying to find a new way to cover up her mother´s mental illnesses. Nick lives with his siblings and mom. His dad died out in war when Nick was young. Nick is always hiding his fear of failing. And lastly Ruby who always wants to pursue her career but is always finding trouble with her parents. When the group was walking through the woods looking for the lost autistic they came across of body of a dead girl. As they were walking around the crime scene they found a notebook but a old man came and claimed it. Over the span of the next couple weeks more girls are dying and the three students want to find the cold hearted killer before they get one of their own.

I would recommend this book because there is never a dull moment in the book. While you are reading you are so excited to see what happens next. While you sit there and read you are always smiling at what just happened on that page. Also there is so many cliffhangers at the end of chapters that make you keep reading and reading till you find out how that problem is going to get solved and before you know it you read almost fifty pages. Lastly, there are so many twist and turns because you think you know how the book was going to end but then boom it's changed and you have no idea now. You sit there and think, ¨OH MY GOSH I think I won't be able to stop reading this book!¨ Or you think you know how that chapter is going to end but you are one hundred percent wrong. Overall this was a fantastic book and I can't wait to read on in the series.

Taylor W

The Dead Girls of Hysteria Hall by Katie Alender

   The book I've chosen for this blog is, The Dead Girls of Hysteria hall by Katie Alender. The genre of this book is Fiction because the book is about ghost and evil spirits. The Dead Girls of Hysteria Hall consist of the main characters Delia, Florence, Theo, and Eliza. Delia is a very curious smart young girl who always manages to find trouble. Florence is very bossy and likes to try and protect everyone. Theo is a nice charming young man, that always knows how to put a smile on your face. Finally Eliza is very quite and shy, and likes to just go with the flow. The story takes place at an old abandoned insane asylum. The time period that this book takes place is in the 70's. In this book Delia and her family move into the old insane asylum that her aunt used to live in before she died. The first night Delia could tell that there was something wrong with the house. She tried to warn her parents but they didn't listen. The first night Delia died from a freak accident. However when Delia woke up as a ghost, she realized it wasn't an accident. Delia found out that the house was actually full of girls just like her. Stuck in the house unable to leave. Delia didn't understand why they weren't able to leave. Until she found out there's a dark spirit keeping them there, and now she wants to know who it is.
      I loved this book so much. I loved all the suspense, the emotion, and the detail. I loved the suspense of wondering who was bad and how Delia was going to defeat them. I also loved all the emotion Delia went through and how the author expressed it. Delia went through sadness. anger, happiness. Another thing I loved about this book is all the detail. The way the author worded things,and how the author wrote you could paint a perfect picture of the story. There wasn't a confusing moment in the book because of all the detail. Over all I think this is a great book and I would definitely read it again.

Megan V

The Maze Runner is the book I chose to write my blog about. The author is James Dashner, and the genre is science fiction. The book starts off with our main character Thomas, waking up in a giant, pitch black, elevator. Thomas has no recollection of any memory, even his own name! After about an hour of riding in the giant elevator, it comes to a sudden stop. The top of the elevator slides open and there stands a group of boys ranging from the age of twelve to seventeen. They help Thomas out of the box and one of the most confusing sights Thomas has ever seen is the huge open area of land the boys call the Glade. There are four ginormous walls blocking off the rest of the Glade. After Thomas sees this he starts to blurt out questions like crazy, asking how he got to where he is and what the Glade is. Their leader, Alby explains that the Glade is the place all the boys live in and that the walls protect them from monsters outside. The only twist is that the Glade is only the part inside the walls, outside, is a huge labyrinth that opens during the day and closes at night. Alby also tells Thomas about the maze and who explores it. There is a group of boys called runners which go and explore the maze and look for a way out. The only catch is, there are monsters in the maze. All of the runner s must be in by sunset and if not, the walls close and they are left out in the maze with a bunch of monsters called grievers. They thrive for blood and flesh. Thomas meets a boy named Chuck and they become best friends the first day Thomas is there. After a week of being there, Thomas has remembered his name, and everything is starting to come together. There's only one issue. Alby, their leader, didn't come back after exploring the maze, and Thomas decides to go looking for him. As soon as he stepped in the walls closed shut, and will remain shut till dawn.

I think others will love to read this book because of the characters and the action in the book. Every second of the book includes a tidal wave of action and suspense. The characters are also very funny and have a good sense of humor. Others might not like this book because of the unrealistic setting it takes place in. There is also some very sad moments which might make the ready very emotional. This book is kind of for boys just because all the characters but one are boys. I still recommend you read this book even if you're a girl because of the intense action and setting of the book. If you like books like Monument 14 or The Hunger Games Series I really recommend giving this book a read.

-Chase Gardiner
Spicer 8-9

I am Number Four by Pittacus Lore

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   I am Number Four by Pittacus Lore is about Number Four, who has come from the planet Lorien. He and eight other outsiders(numbers) have come to fight Mogadorians, so that they can return to Lorien and restore life and its beauty and minerals. Numbers 1-9 are considered aliens that look exactly like humans, have come to Earth to fight Mogadorians from the enemy planet, Mogadore. Number Four has just fled from Florida after the news reached him that Number 3 was dead. Numbers 1-9 have a charm system, given my Pittacus, their Lorien leader. Every time one of them dies, all the other numbers that are alive receive a scar one their leg. This is a form of communication between the numbers until they can get back to Lorien. But, the only way this charm will work is if all the numbers are separated. Once everyone comes together, the charm is broken. Each number is assigned a guardian. The guardian's responsibility is to protect and serve the numbers. Number Four has arrived at Paradise, Ohio, and is starting high school. He makes many mistakes, like bringing too much attention to himself. The mogadorians find Four, and war rages.  This was the first step for freedom, but Four hasn't decided if he should take it or leave it.
     I recommend this book to anyone who likes science fiction with a hint of drama. The action in this book keeps you on the edge of your seat. For example, Four runs through a burning house, and comes out perfectly fine. Four is not burned, and he is not hurt. This book also has some humorous parts, like the fact that Four's backstory said that he was born in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Lastly, there is some drama that adds plot twists. These plot twists will you hooked on this book. For example, Mark, Four's puts cow dung in Four's locker in school. This grabs the attention of the whole school and the mogadorians send Four a fax, saying that they have discovered where four is. All in all, this is a great book that keeps you on the edge of your seat because of the action, humorous parts, and a hint of drama.

-Aarushi Aloni
Ms. Spicer
Periods 8-9

Look For Me By Moonlight by Mary Downing Hann

Do you like mystery but also horror books? Well, I know I do, and that is why I read the book " Look For Me By Moonlight." That book was written by Mary Downing Hann. This book is a girl named Cynda who has to go to her dad's house for the summer because her mom and her boyfriend are going to Italy. When she arrives to her dad's house she was greeted by her step-mother and the son. Cynda was directed to a hotel room as her room. Her dad actually owns a hotel but the business is actually slow. So the family just lives in there instead. Until one night a man named Vincent arrives to the hotel. He was a writer who needed a place to stay. Cynda's dad was happy to invite him in. His room was right above Cynda's. In the middle of the night Cynda can hear Vincent pacing back and forth. But again it was in the middle of the night. Every day in the evening when it was dinner time, that was the only time Vincent came out of his room. He would come down and have wine with Cynda's dad and the step mother. Cynda would be on the couch reading her favorite book or playing with a puzzle. But the weird this was Vincent would always give Cynda flirting looks. Back where he is from he was called charming . But here he was different. Like physically. But Cynda didn't know. She was in love, she caught feelings. She was now happy. At ten o clock at night  Vincent would come to her door. He would do a special knock so she knew it wasn't her parents. She would let him in and they would hang out and talk. But one day, when Vincent knocked on the door, he sounded different. But still Cynda was in love and didn't know what was coming for. Vincent came in and laid on the bed. He jumped up and started to kiss Cynda. But then.. OUCH!! Cynda screamed. Vincent covered her mouth quickly so the parents wouldn't come back. Vincent just bit her neck. You know what that means. He was a vampire. Every night when Cynda heard Vincent's footsteps she could feel her neck throb. Every since that day something happened. It wasn't the same. But what happened next? Well you have to find out when you read the book.
I think girls and boys would like this book because it keeps you on the edge of your seat and it makes you want to read more. The plot has so many twists that you don't know what will happen next. This book does have a part which should not be read by a first or second graders. This book should be read by middle schoolers. But this book is amazing. If anyone likes horror and or mystery this book is for you.
by- Shreya S.  Spicer per 8&9

Things Not Seen by Andrew Clements

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be invisible? Things Not Seen by Andrew Clements is a fantasy book about your average kid named Bobby, but not before long he wakes up to find himself completely invisible- literally. He gets up to tell his parents about this conundrum, and like expected, they are worried for their child's well being. They go off to work with this warning- "Bobby, do not go outside, whatever you do." Of course he defies what his parents say and he decides to bundle up and go to his favorite spot in town- the library. He takes off all of his clothes and hides them in a ceiling panel, and travels through the library, completely invisible (and, well, naked) After an episode of cringe worthy shenanigans, he decides to get his clothes on and leave. Outside of the library he bumps into a girl and she drops her things, and as he goes to help her, Bobby feels a cold twinge to his face. His scarf that was covering his invisibility came off. But, as he covers his face back up and hands her her things, he notices the cane and glasses and comes to a shocking realization- she's blind. He walks back home, and clicks on the news. and the first story that pops up happens to be the fact that his parents got into a car accident. Luckily, they were okay. Once they come home, Bobby, his parents, Alicia, the blind girl who Bobby has befriended, and Alicia's parents all try to solve the case. Will Bobby ever come back to normality or will he remain invisible forever? Read Things Not Seen by Andrew Clements to find out!

I recommend this book for a number of reasons. Firstly, this book contains many relatable yet fictitious elements that keep you reading. Secondly, this book contains many humorous moments that crack you up. Lastly, this book contains many suspenseful moments that keep you on the edge of your seat wanting to keep reading to find out what happens. All in all, Things Not Seen by Andrew Clements is a book i recommend you to read!

Colleen S.
Spicer 8-9

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

Click for more information on this titleIn the mid 1900's, a man named James Halliday started creating games. When his career started getting big, he made a hit game called OASIS. OASIS is a virtual reality game that combines real life aspects such as schools with video game aspects like dungeons and collecting cool items. This game became popular very fast and litterally everyone started playing OASIS. This is got Halliday most of his fame. One day, Halliday gets very sick and passes away. Right before he dies though, he released a video that explains he has put a secret in the game. He states that there are 3 very well hidden keys and gates spread across the game. If you find all the keys and unlock all the gates, you will win Halliday's entire fortune, which includes all of his money, his lawyers, his assistants, and his entire company.   Halliday has given hints and also put in a leaderboard to keep track at who has what keys and what gates unlocked. After players (also known as gunthers) saw the video, they immediately went on the game to try and look for these keys. Everyone around the world was looking for these keys, but with no luck.  Many years have passed and still no one has even gotten close to finding just one of the keys. It wasn't until a player named Wade Watts found the first key. He figures out that the clues Halliday has given all relate to old video games riddles and secrets.  Soon after, a group called the Sixers tracks Wade's location and reveals his location and everyone goes there to get the key. Since everyone knows where the 1st key is, everyone is now on the hunt for the second key. Unfortunately, the Sixers find the 2nd key and unlocks the 2nd gate before anyone else. Now they are searching for the 3rd key. Will the Sixers win all the money? Will Wade unlock the final gate before the Sixers? Read this book to find out.
     Ready Player One is my favorite book I've read this year. I would definitely reccomend this book to people who like video games and science fiction. One reason I really like this book is because it incorporates all kinds of video game history old and new like Mario or Link to make player advance in the game. The next reason I really like this book is because each character has their own special outfits, cool abilities, and magical items to make each and every character unique. The last reason I think this is a fantastic book is because the plot will always keep you on your toes but also with a little humor along the way. This is a fantastic book everyone should read at one point.

Rico T.
Spicer 8/9

Bone:Out from Boneville By:Jeff Smith

The book Bone:Out from Boneville is a good book to read.It's about three characters named Fone,Phoney and Smiley who are thrown out of Boneville.The reason they are thrown out is because of Phoney.Phoney is the mayor of Bonville,and the people don't like him because of money.They run into the desert running from the people of Boneville.They run so far when they stopped,they are in the middle of the dessert.Then Fone and Phoney have an argument about why they were thrown out.Then the sky gets dark because of locust.The darkness was caused by an Evil Overlord that was awoken by their presence.The locust separated the three into three groups.Fone finds a little cave,and awakens the red dragon by accident.But it was a good thing he woke him up because...

I hope you read the whole series ,but just to start you off,you can read Bone:Out from Boneville.I think you would read this book because of Fone's actions.He is brought into the desert and is responsible enough to watch and protect his cousins.Fone is also brave and daring to do what ever it takes to survive.He uses his locating skills to find a map to lead him to a town.

Tyrone J.