Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Mango Shaped Space by Wendy Mass

Mia has always known that her family is far from normal.Her sister  dies her hair as often as one would change
their clothes and her brother keeps a chart of all the hamburgers he has eaten in his entire lifetime.And Mia?
Mia seems to be the most normal person in her family but the truth is......she's not.Mia has been keeping a
secret from her friends and family.Numbers and words have color for her.When Mia finally tells her parents
 about this "problem" her parents put her in a disscussion group with other synesthetes(people who see
 colors with numbers and words) after a doctor's reccomendation.Soon enough,the entire school finds out
about Mia's "gift".Mia's personality starts changing with all the attention she recieves.She goes from honest
and trustworthy character to a show-off and cheater.In order to find her true self again,Mia will have to lose
something very special to her.....

The main character of this book was Mia.Mia was a honest,funny and trustworthy character that spent
a lot of time outdoors.Mia changed a lot throughout this book.She went from honest,funny and trustworthy
to a cheater, show-off, and selfish.But overall,I did like this character.She did have some very irritating
qualities but she had even more good qualities than bad.She was artistic,creative,and curious.These traits made her a very
interesting character.I would reccomend this book to mostly girls because Wendy Mass is more of an author for girs
and girls would be able to relate more to Mia and all the tough situations she goes through.This book is an AMAZING
book and should definitly be number one on your books-to-read list!!!

Smriti N.
Mrs.Poulton pd. 8&9

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