Thursday, March 8, 2012

Annie On My Mind By Nancy Garden

Everyone knows about Liza. She made her brother cry, almost got expelled from school, disappointed her parents, disgusted her friends, and got bullied. But all she did was fall in love. It all happened when Liza met Annie. This book is called Annie On My Mind by Nancy Garden, a realistic fiction book. The expectations for a girl are finding the man of her dreams, getting married, and having children. That's not what happened to Liza. Instead, she found someone so unexpecting that it would surprise peers and loved ones. Eventually someone finds out and everyone is eating up the news like a flame turning paper to ashes. It's hard to believe that most people in the book can't see beauty in love. They can only judge it as sick and revolting when they see two girls or two guys together. It’s not a disease, or a mental problem. It’s real love. This book is about two young girls who fall in love and discover that life isn't as fair as it seems. Most peoples' reactions aren't kind and the way people treat them is ridiculous.      I recommend this book to everyone. This book tells the struggles of what a lot of people have or had to go through. They have been bullied, hated, and harassed. I think this would help everyone realize and understand that almost all of those people want equality. This was one of the best books I have ever read and it’s definitely a classic.
Don’t want to read a book like this? Think again. A typical girl didn’t want to read this book, but when she reconsidered her decision, she said that the two girls, Annie and Liza, are just like any other girl. Try this book and you will experience the hate, struggles and love of this amazing novel.

Melissa C.
Miss Heater

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