Friday, March 2, 2012

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

In this science fiction, action packed, amazingly written novel a 16
year-old girl named Katniss Everdeen must go to the Capitol in Panem and enter a dangerous contest: The Hunger Games. After North America has been destroyed the country of Panem forms, with 12 Districts and the Capitol. After an attempted rebelion the Capitol created the Hunger Games. Each year two tributes are selected to compete. They
enter a huge arena where they have one choice: to fight to the death.
After Katniss's sister's name is called in the reaping she volunteers
to take her place as tribute. She and Peeta Melark (the boy tribute)
go to the Capitol where their journey begins. The Hunger Games becomes
not just a contest of fighting ability, but also one of brains, plots,
and love.

I love this book. It is out of the box and unlike anything I had ever
read before. This may sound cliche, but it is the truth: I was on the
edge of my seat wanting to know what would happen next. The characters
are so well developed that the thought of one of them getting hurt
made my brain spin. I like how once the action started it kept going
and going until the Games were over, and even then there was more
drama and suspense leading up to the abrupt end of the book which made
me want to read Catching Fire more than any other book at that time.

Megan Q- 7th grade Oasis

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