Friday, March 2, 2012

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games

An interference of love between a fight to the death can kill you when it comes to The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.
Each year, twelve districts will randomly pick a boy tribute and a girl tribute between ages 12 and 18 to fight in the Hunger Games, a fight to the death until only one player is left alive. Katniss, a girl in the twelfth district, was appalled with frozen horror when her little sister, Prim, was chosen out of several thousand slips of boys and girls who could participate in the Hunger Games. Katniss then made a decision that could cost her life.
She would go to the Hunger Games instead of Prim.
The problem is, Katniss eventually falls in love with Peeta, a boy from her own district who was chosen for the Hunger Games, but how can you kill someone you love when there is no one but you two left?! How do you conquer the ambivalence of this? Find out in this fast-paced book.
I would stongly recommend this book because it takes sharp turns and twists and leaves you stuck with the book until the last page. The last sentence in the chapter will suspense you and keep you clinging onto every word the author writes in this amazing novel.
Oh, and read the second and third book too. You would be sure to be hungry for more (pun was intended)!

Zephyr, 7th grade

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