Friday, March 2, 2012

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Strength. Strategy. Endurance. Intelligence. These may just be words to me and you, but in Katniss’s world, they are the key to survival.
In the alternative future, the United States is the nation of 13 districts. The Capitol, who rules the 13 districts, has unfair and strict policies, so the districts then consequently rose up and rebelled. This rebellion angered the Capitol and the 13th district was destroyed. Every year, two tributes are selected in each district to compete in The Hunger Games, a reality television show where citizens watch helplessly as their children fight to the death. This gut-wrenching show was created by the Capitol, to remind the rebels that not even children is beyond their reach.
Many people would never think about volunteering for The Hunger Games. But things had taken an interesting turn when Primrose Everdeen was selected as tribute. Katniss Everdeen, being the protective sister, volunteered to take Prim’s place without hesitation. Peeta Mellark, a boy from Katniss’s past, was chosen as the boy tribute. Before the games, Peeta was only an average looking boy heading to his death. But soon Katniss found out that he is so much more than she thinks.

The Hunger Games is packed with action, romance and suspense that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the end. Prepare yourself to go through the biggest emotional roller coaster ride of your life! You may cry, laugh or smile with the characters as you step further and further into their story. This is a book that people of all ages will enjoy reading together.

Yan Yan H.
8th Grade

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