Monday, February 13, 2017


Image result for twilight book cover Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

The minute Bella arrived in Forks, Washington, everything changed. People in high school had been expecting her, and she instantly made friends. But there was one particular group that everyone in the school knew about, no matter what grade, but didn’t talk to. The Cullens. Most of them in the group were coupled up, but there was one boy who was alone. Edward. She knew that being friends with him was a dangerous path, but she took that chance. Even when the path gets even more dangerous once she finds out his big secret that he’d been keeping with the other Cullens.

I absolutely love this book, because there’s lots of conflict and romance, and I think the characters have really good personalities that fit their aura. This book is one of my favorites, and I  think it’s a great book.
Danalli B.


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