Monday, February 13, 2017

The Glass Castle

Image result for the glass castle book cover The Glass Castle by Jeanette Stalls

This book is about Jeanette Stalls growing up with an unsupportive mother with too many rules, and an alcoholic for a father. She also grew up with a sister and a brother. Jeanette had so many adventures as a child. And although her parents should not have allowed her and her siblings to do certain things, she had fun and did not complain when going through harsh conditions because they didn’t have any money.

This book is really good, and it impacts your perspective on how your childhood is. It makes you think about if you had to go through that, and where would you be today. I enjoyed this book a lot, because it opened my eyes to the fact that not all childhoods are full of road trips and ice cream.
Danalli B.

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