Monday, February 13, 2017

Breaking Dawn

Related image Twilight: Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

Bella and Edward have been through alot together, and it’s finally time for them to get married.  They’re finally married, and now they’ve had a child. One of their cousins from Denali has seen their child,Renesmee, and thought that she was a vampire child, which is forbidden by the Volturi. Now the Volturi are coming after them, and the Cullens find friends to witness the fact that Renesmee was born, not bitten.

I love the Twilight Saga. This is my third time reading the series, and I just love the books even more now. There’s lots of action in this book, and a lot of romance. I know some people might not agree with me, but I’m glad Bella chose Edward. The book has lots of humor in it, and the ending is one you’ll never forget.
Danalli B.


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