Saturday, February 4, 2017

The Winner's Kiss

          The Winner's Kiss, by Marie Rutkowski, is the final book in the Winner's Trilogy Series. In this book, Arin is in the middle of war against the empire, and his only help is the untrustworthy allies from the North. Arin has convinced himself he no longer loves Kestrel, although he thinks about her often, and how she became exactly the type of person he hates. Her betrayal has stung him, deeply. But what Arin doesn't know is that Kestrel didn't betray him. In fact, she did the opposite. By betraying her country for him, Kestrel is sent to a work camp, where everyone is brainwashed and no one has the will to resist or live. Kestrel wants to escape and make the empire pay for what they did, but soon she too is lulled into accepting and not questioning the freezing and brutal work. As the tension and war between the West and East grows, Kestrel and Arin have to make hard decisions, ones that may cost them everything.
            Oh my god! This book was amazing! If you read the first two books, you HAVE to read this one. (If you haven't read them I recommend you do, NOW!) This series was wonderful! I cannot recommend it enough, even if you don't think you like this type of book! Just give it a go, and I promise, you will not be disappointed. This book was a fantastic finish to an equally fantastic book series. I love how they really showed Kestrel and Arin find each other and themselves in the midst of war. Everything about this series was amazing! Every chapter left you on a cliffhanger! I spent tired school days not regretting reading this series through the night. I promise you, this is a book you want to read!

Areeba Wani

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