Friday, November 14, 2014

Elephant Run by Roland Smith

Living in London during World War II seeing your apartment on fire is quite a devastating sight. Nick Freestone is living with his mom until it is too dangerous. When he arrives in Burma, Nick realizes that it could be more dangerous than living in London. When the Japanese invade, the Burman Maya, and Nick try to get to India and then sailing to Australia. When they are on there way to India, something goes terribly wrong that changes their plans. Nick’s dad is taken as a prisoner, and the rest of them Maya and Nick have to work as slaves. Nick and Maya think of ways to sneak out of being a slave then to free Mr. Freestone with the help of Hilltop a mahout (elephant trainer). To find out what happens to them read Elephant Run by Roland Smith.
I would recommend this book because it was really enjoyable, it had suspense, and had lots of surprising twists. Although the genre is historical fiction, it really feels like you are a character in the book. Reading this book, you will learn about the culture of the Burmans, including the language, the way they live, and a little about the land of Burma. Read a chapter of this book, and you’ll be hooked!   

  • Claire

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