Friday, April 28, 2017

the mystery of the cupboard

       Omri is an Eighth grader who lives in London. The problem is that him and his family are moving to the country. He doesn't want to move there. His mom decided that they were going to stay at the new house for the weekend. When the summer came, they moved in and hot situated. Tho Omri was sad because his cat ran away way they got there. When they discovered a problem with the roof  they had to get it fixed. Omri has a secret about his cupboard that is getting hard to keep from everyone. After a few weeks of settling in Omri was woken up by a noise that could of been his cat.
      When he got  outside he searched but didn't find him. After that he found a money box hidden in the hay. As days went by he told everyone about the box and they try everything to open it. When Omri got his cupboard his brother decided to open it. When he did everything came to life and it causes problems. Will he be able to fix this mess? Will his lost pet be found? Will they ever find what's in the money box, or will everything go wrong?

By: William Green


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