Thursday, April 27, 2017

Dolphins At Daybreak

     Jack and Annie are explorers of multiple kinds. They have a friend named Morgan who's a Master Librarian. Jack and Annie both had a dream sent by her because Merlin was to his old tricks.The problem was that there useless unless their master librarians. Luckily they both get the opportunity to become Master Librarians. They had to solve riddles to do it.
      After they received the riddle the tree house spun to the ocean. They began their journey mini-sub they found. They were exploring the ocean when it seddenly went down and it failed. Luckily they found a pod of dolphins and they helped them to shore. Will they find what they need to solve the riddle, or will they fail and be useless to Morgan.

                        By: William Green

Note- I used a magic tree house book because I needed to start small and easy to understand. I promise my next books will be bigger and harderto read. You have no idea how hard it was to write that summary.

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