Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie by Jordan Sonnenblick

Drums. Girls. And Dangerous Pie. Three things that don’t sound like they go together at all, right? Well, you’re wrong. In Jordan Sonnenblick’s debut book that has won raves, this heartfelt story will definitely win you over. Steven Alper is thirteen years old, and seems to have a perfectly average life. Although one thing in his life annoys him like no other. His four-year-old brother, Jeffrey. Everyone loves Jeffrey. Even Steven has to admit, Jeffrey is one of the cutest things he has ever laid eyes on. Suddenly, Steven’s world takes a dark turn. When Jeffrey is diagnosed with a very serious illness, Steven must figure out how to do things that he had easily done before, but now seemed harder than anything. Such as playing the drums, dealing with girls, and dangerous pie. You’ll have to read the book in order to find out what that is.
I would recommend this book to everyone. In this book, the main character (who is a boy), has to deal with problems that both genders may deal with. Another thing about this book that makes it a great read is the fact that although the topic of possibly terminal illness is dark, the author doesn’t make the writing to upsetting. The text is still full of humor and is light-hearted. If you’re looking for something that is worth the while reading, this book could certainly be that book.

Battle of the Books 2016

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