Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Image result for ungifted by gordon korman
     Ungifted by Gordon Korman is a realistic fiction novel about Donovan Curtis. In a nutshell, this story is the aftermath of what happens when Donovan breaks a statue and destroys the school's gymnasium. After that happened, he is mistakenly sent to the district's gifted school. He is then, to his luck, put on the robotics team. At this point, any normal underachiever would have just left the academy, but Donovan can't, as on top of everything, the superintendent of schools is still looking for him. Not to mention his older sister is pregnant. This is the life of Donovan Curtis.
     Overall this book was decent, but it did have its flaws. To start, the book had some light humor, which is always a good. Also, aside from it being a simple plot, it did have its pluses. For example, there was some character development, as you would expect when a kid like Donovan Curtis is mixed with the stereotypical "nerds." However, like I said, the book did have its flaws. Personally, I found it very easy; although that is arguably a good thing if you want a break from a difficult book/series. Overall, I would recommend this book to someone if they want a light read.

Aidan Greenberg


Monday, October 10, 2016

Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children

Image result for miss peregrine book   
     The book that I read is called Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs. This book follows main character Jacob, a sixteen-year-old who has what one might call a peculiar life. After a family tragedy, in order for Jacob to find closure, he goes to an island off the coast of Wales. While there, he finds a house that his grandfather told him stories about. It is seemingly destroyed. However, the kids who used to live there aren't your average kids, and not just because it is difficult growing up during the second world war. However, the house isn't the only strange thing that Jacob finds on the island. He will soon learn that maybe his grandfather wasn't as crazy as Jacob thought.
     Overall I thought the book was both detailed in plot and character development. Unfortunately, I can't talk much about the plot because it would spoil too much. However, I will say that it has its fair share of mystery and action. In my opinion, the characters seemed, for the most part, well developed, as well as changing and growing throughout the story. For example, in the beginning, Jacob is trying to get fired from his job, as he hates it. Then, as the story progresses, he sees something in the woods behind his grandfather's house that causes him to need therapy. After all of this, once he is on the island, he finally starts to show a caring side to some other characters. However, the thing I thought was the most intriguing was how the author, Ransom Riggs, came up with the story: he used old snapshots to piece together the story.
-Aidan Greenberg
